Unveiling Of The Mugwort Benefits 

The Korean beauty tips are known for their long term and fascinating results. Mugwort (also known as artemisia or wormwood) is a magical herb which is widely used by the Koreans for quite a long time.

The less known Mugwort benefits for the skin is one of the reasons why it is traditionally used skin care ingredients which are gaining popularity at present. It is commendable that most of the producers of Korean skin care products consistently use traditionally used ingredients to take care of your skin.

Mugwort is a Korean herb that includes a high range of healing properties. This herb is popularly used in most of the jjimjilbang or public bathhouses in Korea to help their customers in taking care of their skin. But before discussing the mugwort benefits you must know it more closely.

How is Mugwort Related to Koreans?

In Korea, mugwort is viewed as a recuperating herb for its antibacterial, hostile to contagious, and skin-defensive properties. Known as ssuk in Korean language, experts have stated that mugwort was behind the production of the primary Korean line of modern-day.

As indicated by Korean folklore, a bear and a tiger needed to become human, so Hwanung, the child of the” Lord of Heaven,” tested them by placing them in a cavern with some Mugwort and garlic and advised them to remain there for 100 days.

The tiger had enough following 21 days, became hungry and left the cave before the 100 days was over. But the bear remained quiet and was later transformed into a lady who later brought forth Dangun, who established the primary Korean Dynasty, Gojoseon.

Nowadays, Korean cooking (like rice cakes), conventional Korean medication, and Korean homeopathic cures regularly consolidate mugwort consequently. Ladies, specifically, depend on tasting it in tea structure to help control their menstrual cycles and period cramps.

At customary bathhouses, you can likewise absorb mugwort-implanted showers which give relaxing effects to the overall body and mind.

Like many other traditional herbal ingredients or hanbang ingredients, Mugwort is a part of the traditions of Korea. The herb is known for its great properties of antioxidants that fight for all skin related issues.

Mugwort has been used in traditional Korean medicines for hundreds of years as a body warming element as it helps in improving the circulation of blood into the body and helps in relieving pain in the muscles.

Today it is commonly used in jjimjilbangs or herbal bathhouses to soothe and relieve pain in the body.

Appearance Of Mugwort

Mugwort is a native herb to Europe and Asia, from the family of daisy flowers. During the summer season, it grows very tall in the weedy and sunny regions. It is usually misunderstood as a weed due to its natural looks.

But it is used in most of the households due to its health and skin benefits. The interesting fact is, you can grow the herb easily in your home garden as it does not demand a lot more care.

mugwort benefits

What Are The Skin Benefits of Mugwort?

  • It Soothes Inflammation

Mugwort is beneficial for your skin due to its antifungal, antibacterial, calming, and antiseptic properties. Its anti-inflammatory properties also help in preventing or stopping itching, irritation, and rashes.

The redness even, which is caused by the insect bite or any climatic condition, is also treated by Mugwort. You can directly use the medicine which has Mugwort extract or even directly rubs the herb on the skin.

  • It’s Moisturizes

Mugwort has a Vitamin E that is a great substance to keep the skin moist and hydrated. The flaky skin can become smooth and soft with the regular application of Mugwort. Mugwort has similar properties as aloe vera when compared to the moisturizing properties.

  • It’s Anti-Aging

Mugwort has the anti-oxidant element that protects the skin from UV rays which is one of the culprits for skin aging. It not only protects the skin to get affected but also helps to rebuild the glow and smooth texture.

  • It’s Anti Acne (though not clinically proven yet)

According to other experts, though there is no clinical evidence about the effect of Mugwort on acne, still it can reduce acne due to its proven effect on killing bacteria and reducing inflammation.

If combined with other herbs, it can treat red bumps, cysts, and breakouts effectively. As there are numerous types of vitamins in it, Mugwort has proved to be the strong fighter against acne.

In summary, though there are yet to be many tests on the benefits of mugwort on the skin, with the historical usage of this botanical ingredient by the Koreans be it for health or beauty, mugwort shall become a natural ingredient to be the lookout for in the beauty industry.

  • It Soothes The Skin

To add more to the advantages of the benefits of mugwort, it is known as a soothing agent. The cooling effect on skin soothes any sort of infection. The smell of Mugwort is also known to be a relaxing agent. It is used for aromatic therapy.

The skin-soothing techniques in modern time Spas are also using Mugwort extract oils in massaging therapies.

  • Elasticity In Skin

Mugwort not only helps to fight with the infection of the skin it is also filled with vitamin E which gives elasticity to the skin. It also helps to remove the wrinkles and fine lines which are said to be the sign of aging.

The absorption of Mugwort in the skin is magical in its way, this makes is effective when it comes to gives elasticity to the skin deep into the layers.

  • Used As A Sunblock

Mugwort has great properties that save the skin form violent rays. It keeps the surface of skin safe from UV rays which in the worst form caused cancer.

The products which contain the Mugwort are said to be effective in terms of protecting the skin from the sun rays. Moreover, you can also DIY it!

  • Soothes Sunburn

Mugwort not only protects the skin from the damage of sunburn but also helps in treating the burnt skin. The great healing properties of Mugwort are effecting in bringing back the originality of skin which is somehow lost due to the sunburn.

Korean Glass Skin – Mugwort is the secret!

Koreans are popular when it comes to their traditional glass skin regime. The studies have shown that Koreans use Mugwort to retain their skin’s clearness.

The simple way to use is that you just take some herb and boil it in water. The leftover water is ready to use face mist which keeps oil from the skin away without even dehydrating it.

  • Effective For Dark Circles

The presence of vitamin E and A in the herb is quite effective for the stubborn dark circles. The simple application of the Mugwort can keep the eyes all safe from the not so welcoming dark circle.

If you’ve scraped up your jaw or temple, you can apply aloe vera to the zone for brisk help from torment and consuming sensations. Utilize three times each day.

  • Cuts

In case you’re accustomed to getting a minor cut, consider applying a Mugwort. Its atomic structure recuperates wounds rapidly and limits scarring by boosting collagen and battling microbes. Apply up to three times each day to gain the desired result.

  • Dry skin

Mugwort assimilates effectively, making it perfect for sleek skin.  There is a lot to be counted on its advantages,  one is it can assist you to treat with drying skin. Consider trading out your standard cream for Mugwort after washing to help seal dampness into your skin.

  • Frostbite

Frostbite is a genuine condition that requires clinical treatment. Koreans have given the ultimate solution to this very problem as well and the answer is Mugwort. While Mugwort has been utilized verifiably as a frostbite cure,  ist is suggested to ask your doctor before going for this activity.

  • Mouth blisters

Not at all like infection, mouth blisters create outwardly of your mouth which is disturbing.  Mugwort may help treat the herpes infection, which is likewise the fundamental reason for mouth blisters. Apply a modest quantity of the gel to your mouth blister twice day by day until it disappears.

How To Use Mugwort?

With regard to Mugwort, nothing is fruitless. All aspects of the plant can be utilized, from the blooming tops and leaves, down to the natural roots. This makes the herb way more favorable in the daily skin care regime.

It’s accessible in a wide range of structures as well, from supporting creams and dried herbs to smirch sticks, powders, and teas. The sheet masks are also a new addition in the Korean skin care and it is also in practice these days.

The researches say that the sheet mask can easily help to build the moisture into the skin and helps the pores to absorb its best possible way. The sheet mask is also a great way to keep the skin’s elasticity alive for a longer period of time.

In modern times, the chemical exfoliators are used to wipe away the dead skin. In such a time, the Korean products are supplemented with the Mugwort extract. This made the popularity of the herb and makes it more familiar in the beauty industry.

Pressed with elevated levels of cell reinforcements, the plant has numerous medical advantages, and can lighten everything from longing joints to stomach related problems.

The studies have shown that the proper functioning of the stomach can guarantee clear looking skin. If the stomach is happy then the skin is also all set. It’s the unbelievable skincare advantages of mugwort which is still known to the date.

The herb is used by the Chinese and Koreans for a long time!

How It Helps In Making The Skin All Too Glowy

Mugwort is said to be the multi-tasker when it comes to fixing the problems of the skin. It has great anti-oxidants and fluids which are the right choice for everyone who is looking for some real-time good skin.

On account of its enemy of bacterial properties, it tends to be utilized to treat a large group of skin grievances. Irate spots? Touchy rashes? Steady skin inflammation?

A bit of Mugwort could be the secret to fight your breakouts. What else could be the best when you have spotless skin and carefree acne!

Cruel temperatures can unleash destruction with our compositions in the wintertime, and in case you’re inclined to dry, aggravated skin, Mugwort is a skin friend in need.

With concentrates of Vitamin E that lock in dampness, Mugwort will re-establish the skin back to wellbeing.  One can use products that contain Mugwort to its different advantages.

If we talk about Koreans then they are known to use it in serums and oils.

Furthermore, in such a way if you experience the ill effects of skin objections, for example, dermatitis or psoriasis, the calming forces of Mugwort can help alleviate redness.

The anti-inflammatory properties of this herb make it way more favorite as it is used in skin-related medicines as well.


Mugwort benefits on the skin cannot be counted at once. The researches are being conducted which is trying to put more into the advantage of this herb.

The Korean skin care routine has given more hype and popularity to the very product. The magic which Mugwort holds is immense in number and has longer effects. The experts have also suggested that Mugwort has almost no side effects on the skin if used with proper care and the skin type.

It is always a good option to switch to skin care products that use natural plants as the main ingredient. Mugwort is the ultimate solution and a win-win situation as far as the advantages and economy are concerned.


Isntree Mugwort Ampoule

Isntree Spot Saver Mugwort Ampoule is a soothing ampoule that provide relief for sensitive skin quickly.


Enature Iroul E Mugwort Relief Cream-poule

Formulated with mugwort (Artemisia Princeps Leaf Extract) and 11 additional nourishing oils to deliver nutrients, hydration, and soothing effects on the skin, Enature Iroul Mugowrt Relief Cream-poule prevents the loss of moisture by creating a firm protective barrier over the skin.

Briskin Origin Nature Mask 01 Mugwort

Contains more than 50% of artemisia, Briskin Origin Nature Mask 01 Mugowrt helps replenish moisture and vitality to the skin. It is suitable for sensitive and dry skin.